Thursday, July 23, 2015

He's My Friend...He's My Brother

Last weekend, Agape volunteer Gary G. attended the celebration of life for one of the patients he supported for eight months.  His patient Frank* actually passed away in May. Not long before his death, Frank’s hospice nurse, Mary, asked him how his volunteer visits were going with Gary.  Frank was quick to respond, “Gary is not my volunteer any longer—he’s my friend.” I love that sentiment. Every weekend, Gary would drive from Centennial to Longmont to visit, not his patient, but his friend.  

When Frank died, his son communicated to us that the service was for immediate family...and Gary. The family held a celebration of life last weekend, and Gary was included. 

This happens with Gary time after time, as with Ed*, another of his patients. Ed had a son, and sometimes he wasn’t quite sure who was visiting – his biological son or “brother Gary.” Gary and the family rolled with it. Ed knew he had special people who came to visit on a regular basis. When Ed died, Gary was invited to this service, too.  He was at the funeral home and the graveside where Ed was interred with full military honors. 

Gary pays tribute to others. Yet what a tribute to Gary that he has been invited into one of the most intimate times of peoples' lives. Thank you Gary and all of our magnificent Agape volunteers. 

Grateful for you ~ Beth

*Not actual names

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