Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"" Approach Enhances Patient-Volunteer Connection

When Volunteer Manager Beth Kelley tells people what she does for a living, they typically assume her work is sad, even dreadful. She's quick to say the opposite is true: Every day, she gets to witness people connecting at a sacred time in life. 

Beth came to Agape six years ago, after 20 years in corporate HR. She enjoyed her work but wanted to know at the end of each day that she was making a difference in people's lives. In her current role, she does HR for unpaid employees, her team of hospice volunteers.

Agape volunteers are a unique part of the care team. They don't show up with a blood pressure cuff or a list of diagnostic questions. Instead, volunteers are present with patients (and family) in ways that are most beneficial.

How do they know what people need? For one, Agape volunteers receive special training on end-of-life issues and how to be present and open with people in the last season. Beth also has engineered a method for connecting volunteers and patients using a "" model. She writes a profile for each patient, allowing volunteers to choose match-ups based on common interests or traits. These have included:

  • Jazz
  • Southern Roots
  • Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Schnauzers (and all kind of breeds!)
  • Military Service
  • Grandchildren 
  • Love of music, poetry, art, travel and more. 

Beth calls her volunteers "extraordinary beings" because they knowingly sign up to form a relationship with people who likely won't be here in the next six or so months. And, knowing the loss will cause them sadness, they are willing to do it over and over again.

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