Friday, September 2, 2016

Sunset Threshold Choir: Can You Sing?

Agape has a partnership with Moon Over Mountains (MOM) Threshold Choir in Boulder.  Over the past couple of years, they have provided their beautiful lyrical presence, song and tone at the bedside of many of our Boulder-area patients.  I am now THRILLED to announce the launch of a new threshold choir that will rehearse in Arvada and expand our bedside singing capability beyond Boulder.  

Kaelin Kelly, Agape volunteer and MOM threshold choir member, has been working to develop and lead Sunset Threshold Choir.  Kaelin is ready to hear from prospective choir members. Learn more and get in touch: Sunset Threshold Choir on Facebook.

This is such an amazing gift to offer our patients and families during their dying process and I am deeply grateful to Moon Over Mountains Threshold Choir for continuing their mission – as well as to Kaelin for her commitment to building Sunset Threshold Choir.  

I will keep you posted on when the choir will be ready to begin to offer their song in this expanded area.  

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